When you read this title you probably ask yourself already what your cash attitude is, wondering whether or not carrying cash on you can indeed help you with saving money. As it happens with many people these days, it is always a misconception that having cash on you is riskier than simply carrying the credit…
Starting a Budget – Useful Info
If you find yourself unable to keep track of the money you spend or you are very often in the position of over spending, then you must realize that it is about time to start a budget. Many people see this measure as a useless initiative, but this is only valid for the ones who…
How to Lower Insurance Rates for First Time Drivers
Anyone who drives a car needs some financial security which will cover any losses when accidents happen on the road. Any incidental expenses due to road accidents may be too much for a car owner to handle especially if his car is not covered by any insurance. You may be the safest driver on earth…
Top 10 things to mind before getting a Credit Card
That was the year 2005, when I ever got my first credit card. I was 29 years old then. Before that I did not actually intend to get one, I honestly did not know I can handle having one. But there came a point when I knew it would need to get one for emergency…